+351 254 677 510 (chamada para a rede fixa nacional) geral@equalrural.com

Negocios de mulleres

Tomar Natural

Produción artesanal de espirulina.

Dirixida por: Ana Pereira

Enderezo: Rua Outeiro dos Cucos, 750.
2305-412, Casal do Pote, Madalena, Tomar

Teléfono:+351 964 565 460

Email: spirulina@tomarnatural.pt 

Website: https://tomarnatural.pt/


tomar natural
tomar natural
tomar natural

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Equal Rural

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Morada: Rua Nova, Vila Pouca de Salzedas, 3610-074 Tarouca

Teléfono: +351 254 677 510 (chamada internacional fixa)

Email: geral@equalrural.com
